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Aug 24, 2017 1:54:38 PM

SPOTLIGHT: Big Win for the Canadian Mental Health Association of B.C

Written By Steve Anderson

The Canadian Mental Health Association stands for mental health for all, and believes that it is only in mentally healthy societies that people can thrive. Creating a truly healthy society requires sustained investment in mental health care as well as mental health promotion and illness prevention by both the government and private sectors.

With this in mind, the Canadian Mental Health Association of B.C (CMHA BC) unveiled a 'manifesto' to unite British Columbians in improving health care for those suffering from mental illness and addiction. The manifesto includes five core principles:

  1. Focus on prevention and early intervention and make sure people do not have to wait for months to receive help
  2. Build access to addictions health care
  3. Strengthen recovery closer to home in community, including implementing a provincial housing strategy
  4. Improve crisis care by reducing the number of suicides in B.C. and reducing the use of police and the justice system as treatment for people living with mental illness
  5. The province should appoint a dedicated Minister of Mental Health and Addictions to provide leadership.

To accomplish these goals, CMHA BC launched a new website which featured New/Mode's online advocacy tools.

Thanks to a great digital advocacy campaign, the new BC government appointed Judy Darcy as the new Minister of Mental Health and Addictions with the mandate to establish a dedicated Ministry to improve access to services for people with mental health and substance use problems.

The fifth pillar of Canadian Mental Health AssociationBC’s #b4stage4 declaration has been fulfilled! 

New/Mode is proud to support CMHA-BC with our entire toolbox on this journey. 

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