Online petitions that aren't BS with Mikey Franklin 🎥 Organizing 2.0

Online petitions might be ubiquitous but they can still be a great tactic — if you use them correctly. Watch this recorded webinar from Organizing..


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.
Apr 20, 2021


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.

New/Mode’s Contribution to a Values-Based Web

It’s difficult to overstate the threat to our democracy from the trifecta of fake news scandals, online bots and platform censorship.
Steve Anderson

Steve Anderson

Steve Anderson is the co-founder and chief strategist for New/Mode — a values-based platform that provides targeted online engagement tools.
Steve Anderson
Feb 1, 2018

Steve Anderson

Steve Anderson is the co-founder and chief strategist for New/Mode — a values-based platform that provides targeted online engagement tools.
Targeted engagement tools that activate grassroots power to help campaigns win.